The August bite remains hot and Bobby Breaux Company got to experience the beauty of Costa Rica fishing. Day one took us off shore where we found beautiful blue water, a nice striped marlin up and hooked for a moment, 4 sails up with 2 90 + pound sails released and a nice 25 pound mahi for dinner.
Day 2 brought some inshore fishing for the morning where the

guys tackled a 50 pound Amber Jack on a 3 pound skip jack tuna. From there we ventured off shore to search for the big guys again. With a slight change in water color the action slowed a bit from the day prior. We did however hook in to a huge 600 pound + Blue Marlin that unfortunately spit the hook after an incredible run and freight train jumping display.
Thanks a million to Bobby and company and we're looking forward to seeing you guys again soon!